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Spotlights on UPholdings' PSH pipeline


At UPholdings, we believe that everyone has a right to high quality and accessible housing, and that housing is the foundation to wellness and opportunity for both individuals and families. Per the United States Interagency Council on Homelessness, as of 2018, there were 552,830 people experiencing homelessness in the United States. UPholdings sees this as a reflection of the acute housing crisis affecting our country, and has established itself as a lead developer and manager of Permanent Supportive Housing (‘PSH’) solutions to help address that crisis.

Below are a few examples from our pipeline of future PSH projects designed to provide sustainable housing solutions for some of the households that are most severely impacted by this housing crisis:

ILLINOIS (10,643 homeless households as of 2018):

Hanover Landing (Elgin, IL)

Hanover Landing is a 40-unit, amenity-rich Permanent Supportive Housing development that will serve residents living with disabilities—all of whom will live independently and retain all rights of tenancy. Optional services offered to tenants will be tailored to meet the needs of the individual, and Hanover Township, as the development’s service coordinator, will work with local agencies and organizations to deliver both on-site and off-site community-based services. Resident services may include case management, life skill training, and employment assistance. The development is the result of years of advocacy and planning on behalf of vulnerable populations in the community.

INDIANA (5,258 homeless households as of 2018):

River’s Edge (Fort Wayne, IN)

River’s Edge will be the new construction of a 56-unit, service-enriched apartment complex. It will be a new apartment building for people who are able to live independently yet will thrive with the benefits of permanent, affordable and supportive housing. River’s Edge will incorporate a mixture of one- and two-bedroom units, providing a range of housing options. All of the units will be made available to chronically homeless households and homeless households who are also living with a disability, or who are frequent users of emergency services, and are earning less than 60 of the area median income.

CALIFORNIA (129,972 homeless households as of 2018):

Butterfly Gardens (Clovis, CA)

Butterfly Gardens is a 100% Housing First development for people experiencing homelessness and people with serious mental illness. Services will be provided on-site and available to all residents, but are not a condition of tenancy. Further, the project is a permanent independent living opportunity for qualified residents and neither transitional nor a rehab facility. The project will give vulnerable people in Clovis a space where they can flourish.

OHIO (10,249 homeless households as of 2018):

Our development team graduated from the Ohio CSH Institute in 2016, with a proposal to develop a PSH project with a unique tenant mix, integrating persons with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities and more ‘traditional’ PSH populations. The project will be located in Montgomery County, OH, and has the strong support of a number of service and governmental agencies at the local, county, and state levels. An application for tax credits for this project is expected to be submitted in 2020, with construction expected to commence the following year.

Butterfly Gardens

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