Joe McCloskey is a resident of Walnut Commons, here in Muncie, IN. He lives independently in a one bedroom apartment, and has been an intricate part of the community for the past 2 ½ years. Joe brings a loving and positive influence to Walnut Commons. Before Walnut Commons, Joe was homeless and living at the local Muncie Mission Men’s Shelter. One of the staff members encouraged him to apply at the local Service HUB “Bridges” to obtain an apartment. A year and a half later, he was able to move into his very own apartment. Walnut Commons has provided stability and safety for Joe. He is able to have distance from those who had hurt him in the past or who were a negative influence on his life. Joe states that the best part of living here at Walnut Commons has been the amount of help that he has received. Joe meets with his case manager on a consistent basis and has taken advantage of the many programs offered onsite. He has been sober for a year and eight months. He stays sober and busy by helping the adult education classes everyday through the week that take place within the community through a local career center.
