At UPA,LLC, we specialize in affordable, public and mixed-income housing management. Under our umbrella company, UPholdings, UPA is able to proudly implement the Blended Housing Management Program, which improves both the physical assets and human assets within the UPholdings portfolio. The Blended Housing Program works to encourage resident participation and responsibility while offering support to families in need of social services by creating vital linkages with existing community-based agencies, and by always maintaining regulatory compliance and financial solvency.
Under UPholdings, we at UPA will continue to offer our expertise in both related and third-party management to diverse real estate developments, including tax-credit, project-based Section 8, senior, family, mixed-income housing and special needs populations.
We have been managing, supporting, and maintaining multi-unit buildings. Utilizing the best practices of the Blended Housing Management Program, we are responsible for permanent supportive housing units, affordable or tax-credit housing, and market-rate apartments.
Blended Management places equal value on the physical buildings and the tenants that live inside each unit. There is buy-in from staff and residents, with the shared value of a healthy and safe home. Our UPholdings staff members are highly trained—they are able to respond to tenants’ needs through appropriate connections to community resources while also maintaining the integrity of the physical asset.
Our management team is comprised of staff trained in the industry’s best practices in leasing, operations, and regulatory compliance. And our regional and area supervisors ensure that all staff members attend regular trainings in fair-housing leasing compliance and property management certification. The supervisors and managers of our affordable-housing units receive and renew their Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) training and certification, and the managers and property supervisors staffed at our permanent supportive-housing complexes are trained and receive certification in Blended Occupancy.
“UP creates impactful housing by collaborating with community partners. UP staff are professional and passionate about solving the affordable housing crisis. They are persistent and undaunted by development challenges. UP has been a dependable and skillful development partner for us."